Family Centered Care
In today’s society, a hospital should not only focus on the patient but also facilitate the involvement of family/caregivers in the healthcare process. This principle forms the basis on which healthcare processes are organized. Single rooms with private facilities and rooming-inn amenities are just some of the ways in which Family Centered Care is realized in the MMC.

Women Mother Child Center
On the ground floor and the first floor of the new wing, the Women Mother Child Center has been given the prominent location it deserves; the first center where the disciplines of Pediatrics, Neonatology, Obstetrics, and Gynecology collaborate intensively. A few examples include linked examination rooms, allowing two disciplines to conduct a joint examination; consultation spaces where the entire care trajectory can be planned in peace and privacy; special rooms where ill postpartum women can be cared for alongside their sick child.

Wide Range of Colors
One center with related disciplines and diverse patient groups. In the interior, this is visually represented by using a wide range of colors and patterns. Based on the new logo, each specialty has been assigned its own core color/pattern combined with various accent colors. This gives each space, despite being similar in form and function, its own identity without losing its recognizability.

De diverse specialismen binnen de cardiologie zijn gebundeld op de tweede etage van het nieuwe zorggebouw. Zowel de dagbehandeling als de klinische en de poliklinische afdelingen bevinden zich allen op deze locatie waardoor de cardiologische patiënt een eigen plek binnen het ziekenhuis heeft gekregen.
De lichte vloer loopt overal door, de huisstijlkeuren op de balies versterken de herkenbaarheid en de houten wanden ondersteunen de oriëntatie. Hiermee zijn de processen en het interieur van het cardiologisch centrum afgestemd op hun ambitie; Één professioneel cardiologisch centrum.