The ground floor of the Eerdelaan location has undergone a thorough renovation in the past three months. A spacious living room area has been created, and the seclusion cells have been replaced with two extra secured rooms (EBK) with their own living room and garden. Additionally, a crisis assessment room and a guest room have been established. All of this was done in accordance with the latest guidelines of the national HIC Monitor.

The greatest benefit for the well-being of clients is achieved in a good department. A comfortable room, but above all, many choices within the group. Clients can find distraction in the reading room, living room, or at the kitchen table. Additionally, there are various types of spaces where clients can have a place for themselves, such as their own room or a quiet room, the game room, or a comfort room. If a client truly needs seclusion, there is the possibility to retreat to the EBK to regain composure while maintaining good communication with the care team and the outside world.
In the EBK, we have taken into account the clients’ sense of control as much as possible. They have visibility of their own belongings, maximum visibility of the outside even when the client is on the ground, the ability to take a walk outside, and self-regulation of light, scent, and sound, as well as connection with the BK living room, all play an important role in this regard.